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Friday, May 14, 2010

People are Wonderful!

People have been so great to the Abbott's!  I don't know all of the stories of who has helped them and what has been done for them, but wanted to share a few I do know about.

The night of the fire, before Wade and Alicia & family even left the scene, someone from their LDS ward went out and bought everyone in the family brand new shoes.  THANK YOU!

The first night after the fire, the Abbott's were staying with Alicia's parents.  Someone had pizza delivered to the Cox home.  Alicia said that was the first thing she was able to eat after the fire.  I'll bet Pizza never tasted sO GoOd.  THANK YOU!

After seeing the first story on ABC 4, a former high school class mate of Wade's called and offered to help them out with cabinets when they're ready for them!  That's a HUGE expense!  THANK YOU!

Teachers at Indian Hills Middle School (where Wade is the Choir teacher) gathered all the money they could and gave it to Wade his first day back!  That is where the cash that was showed on the second ABC news story came from.  THANK YOU, Teachers!  We know first hand how difficult it is being a teacher and trying to make ends meet!  THANK YOU!

One of Wade's former students (now in the 8th grade and not in Choir, and who I believe is disabled) went around to some of his friends and pulled together what cash they could.  They handed him an envelope with four dollars and change.  What a sweet gesture and sacrifice!  THANK YOU!

THANK YOU to everyone for the clothes, furniture, toys, EVERYTHING!  I'll share more stories as I have time and as I hear about more of them!

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